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Take Time to Ponder

Writer's picture: Cheryl  Gerou Cheryl Gerou

Photo by Raspopova Marina on Unsplash

I hope that each of you had a blessed Thanksgiving. It’s hard to believe it has come and gone. So, here we are in the month of December, a month often filled with busyness and excitement. A month that frequently passes by with a whirlwind of activities, yet truly little time for pondering those things of most importance.

Taking time to ponder and take note of the many gifts life brings often draws our hearts to see our need to live with a continuous spirit of gratitude. I know when we think of gifts, we think of those wrapped in glittery paper with bright shiny bows, those store-bought items, often costly, that we receive at Christmas. But I’m not speaking of those here. I’m speaking of things like those sweet surprises that come our way on other days, such as a letter from a friend, or an unexpected visit of someone you seldom see. Or it’s the tenderness in the voice of one who hears of the pain you’re going through. Or it might be a text of someone saying, “I’m thinking of you today, and keeping you in my prayers.” Each of these touches our hearts. But then life gets busy and although we notice in the moment how special we’ve been made to feel, it isn’t long before that feeling is lost.

So, we must take time to ponder those sweet moments of life. A thankful heart is the pathway to a joyful heart.  And as we see the grace of the Lord in our lives, we are more likely to recognize the depth of the Father’s love in giving us an even greater gift. The gift of Jesus.

Jesus, the baby born in a manger in Bethlehem.

Jesus, Son of God, and Son of Man.

Jesus, the one without sin.

Jesus, He who lives as one with the Father.

Jesus, the one who never departed from the will of the Father. Never, not even when He had to drink the cup that He asked to be taken from Him. Even then He said, “Not My will but [always] Yours be done.” Jesus chose to give His life, He chose to take the sins of the world, yours, and mine, on Himself, to the cross. He chose death that we may have life in Him. So, as we look forward to Christmas keep that attitude of gratitude.

If there’s nothing else you can think of to be thankful for, think of Jesus- His death and resurrection, the gift of forgiveness, and eternal life for those who believe. Jesus is the reason for giving thanks and for our hearts to be filled with joy as we look to the celebration of Christmas. He is our only reason for hope for each moment as we live in this dark sin-sick world. And the comfort of knowing Him brings us the greatest peace we can ever know.

May the truth of Jesus’ sacrificial love bring comfort to your heart and soul. Remember to fix your eyes on Him. May the peace of His presence be the greatest gift you find as you prepare your heart for Christmas.



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