Welcome to My Blog, Touching Hearts with Hope
I'm Cheryl Gerou a Christian fiction author. I enjoy writing novels and sharing the ways the Lord touches our lives with His wisdom and love. The characters in my books are faced with similar trials as what you and I deal with. Their lives are affected by difficulties in relationships, grieving various kinds of losses, dealing with addictions, enduring the pain of infertility, struggling with unbelief or sometimes doubting the Lord in the midst of it all. My goal is to touch your heart with hope as I weave together the treasured truths from God's Word with my stories.
I'm writing this blog to get to know you, my readers, better. You can look for my posts at the beginning of each month. My blogs will typically have three parts. First, I will tell you about what I'm currently writing. As an author, I would enjoy your feedback about my characters, their interactions, and their responses to life. Secondly, I want to share what I'm learning as a Christian and how it affects my life. (Much of what the Lord is teaching me becomes a part of my books.) And finally, I'll tell you about what I'm reading. (I read most of my books when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep.) I'd enjoy hearing about what books you're reading, what you like about the book, or what you've learned from it. I look forward to getting to know you. So please remember to add a comment.
I'm continuing to write books in my Treasured Truths series, you can find a link to all of my books here on my website. This series begins with two novels, Tears in a Bottle: Hearts Crying Out for Hope, and Treasures of Darkness: Hearts Searching for the Light. I recently finished up the third book in the series, My Times Are in His Hands: Hearts Longing for His Answers. It's a novella, as will be the remainder of books I write for this series. This one is about waiting on the Lord for His leading. I've already started working on my next novella, it doesn't have a title yet. Sometimes, I know the title before I begin writing and other times, I'm well into writing the book before it comes to me.
There are so many decisions to make in life, it's hard to not want to be in control of each one rather than seeking the Lord for help and direction. The Lord has a plan and learning to trust Him is a lifelong journey. Waiting for Him to lead and walking in obedience is a continual learning process for many of us, including myself, and you'll see it is for my characters as well. Right now, the Lord is teaching me about learning to be content. Learning contentment is a part of growing in trust also.
A book I recently read is "Living Sacrifice: Willing to be whittled as an arrow" by Helen Roseavare. It is an amazing story about her life as a medical missionary. Romans 12:1 NIV tells us "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your true and proper worship." Roseavare writes about the many ways she is called to live sacrificially throughout this book. It is both convicting and encouraging. She has written many books. I'm finding that in each one, she openly shares about ways the Lord worked in her heart and in her life to grow her faith, leading her to walk in His will. I highly recommend her as an author.
I look forward to meeting you in the comments. One last thing, if you have a favorite Bible verse that touches your heart with hope, please share a comment about it. You may also want to explain what makes it special to you. Finding encouragement in God's Word is so important. And we can encourage others by doing this.
I'd also greatly appreciate reviews on Amazon after you've finished reading any of my books. Reviews are vital to sales and also are encouraging to me. Thank you in advance.
Cheryl Gerou
My life verse:
"For you have been my helper, And in the shadow of your wings [where I am always protected] I sing for joy. My soul [my life, my very self] clings to You; Your right hand upholds me." Psalm 63: 7-8 AMP
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